News from Iran 8/22/2005
Today there are a few items that are of great concern. Many women in Iran are being arrested in Iran for the way they dress. If their scarves are not on properly, it is as if they were not wearing one at all. This is a new law set by the new Justice Miniter.
The Iranian government has been interfere in Iraqi politics since the build up in 2002.
"Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji continues hunger strike...Is anyone watching?"
by Jerome Corsi
This is an article about Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji who has been on a hunger strike for over 70 days now. Have you read about him in your local paper? How about the New York Times? Someone wrote about him in the Washington Post but not on the front page.
He is the Nelson Mendella of Iran. It is an outrage that he is not receiving more attention. If you are truly for human rights, then you are obligated to call your Congressperson and Senators toll free at 1-877-762-8762. [Please read this].
This one is thrown in for everyone to remember when the CIA gives a statement, especially anonymously!
The Iranian government has been interfere in Iraqi politics since the build up in 2002.
Time's Michael Ware nailed down the details of Iran's plans to create a greater Iranian Shi'ite empire. The information came from documents smuggled out of Iran and dozens of interviews with U.S., British and Iraqi intelligence officials, an Iranian agent, armed dissidents and Iraqi militia. The Iranian endeavor's scope rivals the U.S. push for a secular Iraqi democracy. It clearly involves a confrontation with the U.S. for regional influence. [read more]The next issue deals with the agreement between the E-3 and Iran.
BloombergWhat is Iran's strategic plan for the world?
By Alex Morales
New York - Iran has continued to produce centrifuges, which are used in the uranium enrichment process, in contravention of a November 2004 agreement with the U.K., France and Germany to suspend all such activities, the exiled opposition National Council for Resistance in Iran said. [read more]
When he launched the invasion of Iraq in 2003 President George W. Bush promised to help the greater Middle East, the Muslim heartland from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, to bury a despotic past and build a democratic future. [read more]The ME has used this as a disguise for their true intent, so this article explains. It is a good read, and very telling.

by Jerome Corsi
This is an article about Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji who has been on a hunger strike for over 70 days now. Have you read about him in your local paper? How about the New York Times? Someone wrote about him in the Washington Post but not on the front page.
He is the Nelson Mendella of Iran. It is an outrage that he is not receiving more attention. If you are truly for human rights, then you are obligated to call your Congressperson and Senators toll free at 1-877-762-8762. [Please read this].
This one is thrown in for everyone to remember when the CIA gives a statement, especially anonymously!
The Free World's GuessIt is rumored the CIA still has this "estimate" problem. Many dissidents and high-level government officials seem to differ. You decide. Have a good day.
August 18, 2005
"Iran is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary state." This quote is from an August 1978 CIA assessment of a government five months away from being toppled by the first modern Islamic revolution. [read more]
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