Iran: Behind the Iron Curtain

Korosh is a man of integrity, and he has asked anyone has a site to write about the atrocities that are happening to the Iranian people. Does this mean he does not understand the importance of the regimes continuation of developing nuclear weapons? No. This is precisiouly why.
While many are worried about the threat to the world, the Iranians already know the threat to them. They have no freedom of the press, religion, assembly, etc., and this is on a good day in Iran. They do have a press, however. Like Russia during the Cold War, it is run by the government. The Iranian people, however, do not support their government, nor do they believe what they read. They want, no...they need this message to get out to those who can help them.
I am going to publish his plea for everyone to write about it on their own site. This is important. I hope you will do concider doing the same.
Islamic Republic has resumed its nuclear activities and the world’s media has decreased the reporting of the Freedom Movements in Iran. Replacing it is the nuclear news from Iran, but we, the blogers, have to change that.If you would like to keep the pressure on your Senators and Congressperson, you may contact them by calling them toll free at 1-877-762-8762. You can reach the President's switchboard at 1-202-456-1111, but President Bush has already stepped up to denounce Akbar Ganji's imprisonment.
It is important to realize how dangerous the Islamic Republic could be by having nuclear weapons, but considering what they do to the Iranian people, according to the human rights activist , these two subjects can not be separated.
Why? Because the world has to know that Iranian people are not supporting this regime, and they are actually major victims of this regime. (Pictures of the brutalities of the Islamic Republic on the Iranian people) So please join the campaign for supporting Ganji and freedom in Iran
It has been a buzz around the world that President Bush may allow the new president of Iran, which the Iranian people concider him as a murderous thug of a president the mullah's put into office, to have a visa to enter the USA to visit the UN. Tell the President of the USA how you feel about this before Thursday of this week. The feeling of this cyber newspaper is, "No visas for terrorists!" Thank you.
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