Thursday, August 31, 2006

NG Attacked at home; Time to Stand and be Counted

Editor's Note: This is an news article mixed with MY opinion of the state of the union. It is my opinion, but it is not mine alone. If it is not yours, you must be a terrorist or a sympathizer. In either case, I personally do not care. Just so we have that straight. Full disclosure and all, ya know.

Those of us with a brain between our ears have had to listen the garbage spewn across our TV's (for those who still them on) as if these were 'peace' protests. They are not. I, for one, refuse to allow this charade to continue.

Over at Little Green Footballs, I found this article: National Guardsman Brutally Attacked. I beg you to read it. Then I dare you to show your true colors. Are you a patriot or a communist-fascist-sympothizer? How will we know?

Write to the SeattleInsider at:
    2807 Third Avenue
    Seattle, WA 98121
    Phone: (206) 728-7777
These are the brave souls that reported this story. Show them your support, and ask if there is any new information. Then, go around in your town and find another person who gets as angry as I am at this happening (and it is not reported except for the local area).

This must not be allowed to stand. We must fight back with PRO-VICTORY protests. I do not care that you have a job. Those people are dead because they had a job on September 11, 2001, or have you forgotton?

Category: (Military) Blogger News and (Freedom) America.