Sunday, June 11, 2006

Suicide Bombers Without The Bombs

Three terrorists being held at Club Gitmo in beautiful sunny Cuba hanged themselves over the weekend. Looks like terrorists have been having problems this week with staying in and getting bombed or just hanging around. Well, now we are hearing all the outcry from the people who think that holding terrorists in jail offends them. We even have the Saudis complaining about human rights. Now that in and of itself is a laugh. These terrorists and their supporters could be in the Democratic party the way they keep a straight face when saying such outlandish things. Here are a few quotes from the article:

Military officials said the suicides were coordinated acts of protests, but human rights activists and defense attorneys said the deaths signaled the desperation of many of the 460 detainees held on suspicion of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban.
Amnesty International said the apparent suicides "are the tragic results of years of arbitrary and indefinite detention" and called the prison "an indictment" of the Bush administration's human rights record.
To help prevent more suicides, guards will now give bed sheets to detainees only when they go to bed and remove them after they wake up in the morning, Harris said.

Let's take a look at these things. Will someone explain to me why it is that when a terrorist in jail commits suicide by hanging himself it is an act of desperation but when he straps a bomb to his chest and kills a bunch of women and children he is an insurgent and a freedom fighter protesting the west? Why is it when these guys commit suicide and kill others they are heroes but if they die alone they are not? How is it that Bush can get blamed when a suicide bomber kills himself and many innocents and yet also get blamed when the same kind of person commits suicide and kills no one else? The fact that these guys killed themselves does not bother me one bit. They would have done that if they were free and others would have died. Just consider them suicide bombers in training who failed the class. Additionally, if the dead guys did this out of desperation can we conclude that desperation is what causes them to blow themselves up? Since desperation causes suicide we can now see, with the help of the left, that these suicide bombers kill themselves out of desperation because they are LOSING the war.

Now for the dumb asses at Amnesty International. Let us understand that the first problem with this organization is AMNESTY. That means to forget that a person has done bad things. Like our Senate wants to do with ILLEGALS. One can only hope that the folks from AI are the targets if these monsters are released. However, looking at the statement one has to see the obvious moonbat contradictions. First there is the subtle swipe at the military in the "apparent suicides" (translated: They say it is suicide but the murderers in the military probably did it and is trying to cover it up). Then we hear about these suicides being the tragic results of us holding them captive, blah, blah. OK, then what events cause these guys to blow themselves up when they are not captive? When they are not at Club Gitmo and are roaming around the sandbox they should have no reason to commit suicide so why do they? Perhaps, as the Admiral says in the article. They have no regard for human life, ours or their own.

And last, they military will take away bedsheets in the morning and issue them at night. What do you want to bet that some jackass from the left side of Congress calls this torture? My God, we can not take away their sheets! If we do that what will they wear on their heads? I say why should we give them any sheets at all? They are used to sleeping on the sand, not having bed sheets should be no problem. But if they are bound to hang themselves then I say given them a whole linen closet full of sheets. But mark my words, someone will complain that these terrorists are being deprived of bed sheets.

Oh yeah, prisoners in US jails commit suicide all the time. If we follow the logic of these folks, we will need to release all criminals so they do not become desperate. Oh wait, the only people our government lets get away with crime are the ILLEGALS...

They had better be careful down at Club Gitmo or John Murtha is going to accuse them of murder......

Source: My Way News

Cross Posted at Big Dog's Weblog

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