Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Syria's Interior Minister Commits Suicide

ABC News reports that the Interior Minister of Syria has committed suicide days before the UN is to release their findings on the murder of Mr. Hariri, the beloved politician in Lebanon.
The potential suspects, according to Arab media reports, include senior Syrian security officials, members of Assad's inner circle or even relatives. Some Assad family members hold powerful positions in the intelligence and security services.

Syria is reportedly planning a diplomatic offensive to discredit the report, which would include reaching out to China, India and Russia to help block a U.N. resolution and possible sanctions.
Mark these 2 dates on your calendar: October 15, 2005-The Iraqis will vote whether to approve their Constitution or start over. October 25, 2005-The UN is scheduled to release it's final report and findings on the murder of former-PM Harir of Lebanon. To read the whole story, click here.

Update: There are two sites which have better information which I highly recommend. The first one is Counter Terrorism. The second one is Terrorism Unveiled. They are both very credible and well written. They are also sourced.

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