Op-ed by bosun: New questions about who outed Valerie

The following information was obtained from World Net Daily:
It appears that Joe and Val may have violationed CIA regulations that bars contact with reporters without permission. "Joseph Wilson's agency-employed wife Valerie Plame apparently accompanied him to a breakfast meeting with New York Times reporter Nicholas Kristof in which they discussed the ambassador's controversial mission to Niger one month before Plame allegedly was "outed" by Robert Novak." New Questions About Who Outed Valerie .
"Wilson makes a stunning admission to Vanity Fair magazine reporter, Vick Ward, who reported it in the January 2004 edition of the magazine. It has been theretofore overlooked. The wording of the relevant paragraph needs to be repeated in full since it is clumsy enough to allow misinterpretation: In early May, Wilson and Plame attended a conference sponsored by the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, at which Wilson spoke about Iraq; one of the other panelists was the New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof. Over breakfast the next morning with Kristof and his wife, Wilson told about his trip to Niger and said Kristof could write about it, but not name him." Woodward revelation may be mootThis story has more twists and turns than Lombard street in San Francisco. Not a day goes by when new revelations come out or old ones overlooked by Patrick Fitzgerald and the biased mainstream media are located.
What the heck are we spending good taxpayers dollars for when these "slipshod investigations" and "dog and pony shows" miss so many details? One has to wonder if there has been a miscarriage of justice in this case. Perhaps if the US Attorney had gotten ahold of some good investigators in the first place, the whole story would have come out. "Piece-meal" investigations are like "half-baked" policitians, both waste time and valuable resources. And, they seldom produce favorable results.
Technorati tags: Plame, Wilson, bias, Vanity Fair, investigations, Nicholas Kristof, Robert Novak, Jim Gilliam, outing, CIA, Taylor, journalists, Opinion
Cross-posted: The Bosun Locker, The Bos'un at MSN
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