Wednesday, December 14, 2005

On the eve of the Iraqi election, Iraqis Express Joy In New Government And Predict Peace! Bosun's angry Op-ed

On the eve of the Iraqi election, Iraqis Express Joy In New Government And Predict Peace!
Iraqi Expatriate Shamil Hadi: "I Am 37 Years Old. This Is The First Time I'm Voting ... Saddam Was The Worst Guy, Ever. I Feel Happy. This Is My Christmas - Today. ... This Is My Right. This Is My Right!" Iraqi Expatriate Khalil Jammooa: "This Is The Democratic Life. This Is How It Should Be Done." Saad Al-Jebori, 32, Of Dearborn, Michigan Wanted His Children To Experience What He Experienced Tuesday...."I'm Sure It's Going To Bring The Country To A Higher Level, And Probably Going To Bring More Peace." (Gregg Krupa, "Chance To Vote Thrills Iraqis," The Detroit News, 12/14/05)

While Iraqis Risk Lives To Vote For New Government, why must we put up with the negative and pessistic messages of retreat by the Democratic Party:

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV): "Iraq Must Get Its Political House In Order." (Press Conference, 12/14/05)

Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI): "[The Elections] Might Be A Step Towards Crisis And Towards All-Out Civil War.......There's A Chance For Success In Iraq, Providing The Iraqis Put Their Political House In Order." (Press Conference, 12/14/05)

Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI): "There Is Still A Great Danger That There Will Be Continued Violence And Even The Possibility Of A Civil War And A Fragmentation Of The Country." (Press Conference, 12/14/05)

Dems Own "Political House" is not in order:

Democratic Chairman Howard Dean "... Likened The War In Iraq To Vietnam And Said, 'The Idea That The United States Is Going To Win The War In Iraq Is Just Plain Wrong' ..." ("Dean Questions Commitment To Iraq Strategy,"The Associated Press, 12/5/05)

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA): "There Is No Reason, Bob, That Young American Soldiers Need To Be Going Into The Homes Of Iraqis In The Dead Of Night, Terrorizing Kids And Children ..." (CBS' "Face The Nation," 12/4/05)

DCCC Chair Rahm Emanuel (D-IL): "At The Right Time, We Will Have A Position [On Iraq]." (Charles Babington, "Hawkish Democrat Joins Call For Pullout," The Washington Post, 11/18/05)

Meanwhile, Democrats ignore Iraqi successes:
"Eighty-Five Percent Of Iraqis Plan To Go To The Polls To Elect A Permanent Council Of Representatives, Who Will Serve Four-Year Terms." (House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter, "Progress In Iraq Update," Press Release, 12/5/05)
"More Than 300 Parties And Coalitions Are Registered For The December Elections." (Department Of Defense, "Victory In Iraq Update," Press Release, 12/6/05)
"[Iraqis Are] Showing Increasing Sophistication About The Electoral Process, According To Campaign Specialists, Party Officials And Candidates [In Iraq]." (Jonathan Finer, "In Iraq, Signs Of Political Evolution," The Washington Post, 12/8/05)

"Evidence Of Political Evolution Is Plastered All Over Baghdad's Normally Drab Concrete Blast Walls And Hung On Lampposts At Nearly Every Major Intersection ... Television And Radio Airwaves Are Replete With Slick Advertisements ..." (Jonathan Finer, "In Iraq, Signs Of Political Evolution," The Washington Post, 12/8/05)

What we have here is the DNC The White Flag syndrone. The extreme left wing has hijacked the Democratic Party. John "Jack" Murtha's and his supporters ranting about "over-the-horizon soldiering" appears to be asinine for this type of war. Too much is at stake at this time. The Iraqis require our support and backup on the ground.

In September, General Myers had made some very good observations about the Caliphate plans of our adversaries. Of course MSM does not dare to mention the word Caliphate. Those of you who are interested can go to the Intelwire Caliphate Report and read it.

Visit what the Republicans are saying about the Dems, Retreat and Defeat or go to the direct connection at the GOP WebSite .

Don Surber of DonSurber Blogspot said this about the Republican video, Retreat and Defeat: "The video is excellent, using the very soundbites that Dr. Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry the Silver Star winner are so proud of. Especially eerie is Kerry's claim that our soldiers are terrorizing Iraqi children in the middle of the night. It is reminiscent of his Vietnam rhetoric -- which the Swift Boat Veterans proved to be a naked lie. Americans may not be happy about this war but they learned one thing from Vietnam: Retreat and Defeat Is Not An Option."

Come on America, wake up and feel the winds of change that are blowing over the Middle East and Iraq. Feel proud of our accomplishments in Iraq. And, for you Doubting Thomas' answer me this, "Are the people of Iraq better off without Saddam and his sons being in charge?" Ask the real Iraqi people how they feel about liberation and a chance to vote for a free Iraq?

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Cross-posted: The Bosun Locker, The Bos'un at MSN